A novel error-output recurrent two-layer extreme learning machine for multi-step time series prediction (bibtex)
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Zongying Liu, Chu Kiong Loo, Kitsuchart Pasupa, "A novel error-output recurrent two-layer extreme learning machine for multi-step time series prediction", In Sustainable Cities and Society, Elsevier BV, vol. 66, pp. 102613, 2021. (ISI (2020): Q1 Percentile 94% JIF 7.587, Scopus (2020): Q1 Percentile 98% CiteScore 10.7)
Bibtex Entry:
  author    = {Zongying Liu and Chu Kiong Loo and Kitsuchart Pasupa},
  journal   = {Sustainable Cities and Society},
  title     = {A novel error-output recurrent two-layer extreme learning machine for multi-step time series prediction},
  year      = {2021},
  pages     = {102613},
  volume    = {66},
  doi       = {10.1016/j.scs.2020.102613},
  publisher = {Elsevier {BV}},
    comment = {ISI (2020): Q1 Percentile 94% JIF 7.587, Scopus (2020): Q1 Percentile 98% CiteScore 10.7}	  
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